Last reviewed/updated: 06 Jul 2017 | Published: 10 May 2017 | Status: Active
Web browser support: Internet Explorer 10+, Edge 12+, Firefox 6+, Chrome 30+, Opera 17+

1. Introduction

  • PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP).
  • The web language for adding back-end programming logic to web pages.
  • The web language that is object-oriented, interpreted by the web server, and compatible with databases.
  • The back-end web page behavior (including interactive/dynamic behavior) language.
  • Web page behaviors include validating forms, querying databases, and changing the content of web pages.
  • Language concepts include: superglobal variables, variables, strings, numbers, booleans, arrays, operators, statements, queries, functions, arguments, objects, properties, methods, inheritance, and scope.

2. Original Content

3. Governing Body

4. Resources

5. Miscellaneous