Last reviewed/updated: 17 Mar 2020 | Published: 08 Jan 2014 | Status: Active
1. Original Content
- Original Content (learnwebcoding.com)
- Glossary (learnwebcoding.com)
- Install XAMPP For An Offline Development Environment With Apache And MySQL Running Locally On Windows (learnwebcoding.com)
- Versions Of Internet Explorer And Edge Included With And Supported By Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/Vista/7/8/8.1/10 (learnwebcoding.com)
2. Miscellaneous Web Coding Languages And Techniques
2.1. AJAX
2.2. ASP
2.3. ASP.NET
2.4. CGI
2.5. Java
- Java.sun.com
- Microsoft Java Virtual Machine Support (microsoft.com)
- INFO: Availability Of Current Build Of Microsoft VM (163637) (support.microsoft.com)
2.6. Perl
- ActiveState.com
- mod_perl (perl.apache.org)
- perl.com (O'Reilly.)
2.7. Regular Expressions
- Regular-Expressions.info (Jan Goyvaerts.)
- RegexOne (regexone.com)
- Regular Expressions - User Guide (zytrax.com)
- Regular Expression Library (regexlib.com)
- Regular Expressions Cheat Sheet (cheatography.com/davechild/)
- RegExr (regexr.com)
- Online Regular Expression Testing (regexplanet.com)
- Regex Pal (regexpal.com)
2.8. Ruby
2.9. VBScript
2.10. Visual Basic
2.11. XML
- Comparison Of SGML And XML: World Wide Web Consortium Note 15-December-1997 (w3.org)
- Extensible Markup Language (XML) 1.0 (Fourth Edition): W3C Recommendation 16 August 2006, Edited In Place 29 September 2006 (w3.org)
- Associating Style Sheets With XML documents Version 1.0: W3C Recommendation 29 June 1999 (w3.org)
- Extensible Stylesheet Language (XSL) Version 1.1: W3C Recommendation 05 December 2006 (w3.org)
3. Tools, Validators, And Checkers
- Google Webmaster Central: Sign Into Webmaster Tools (google.com)
- Bing Toolbox (bing.com)
- Colour Scheme Chooser (websitetips.com) (Formerly at siteprocentral.com/html_color_code.html.)
- AnyBrowser.com (Thanks grilled cheese.)
- W3C Markup Validation Service: Check The Markup (HTML, XHTML, ...) Of Web Documents (validator.w3.org)
- W3C CSS Validation Service: Check Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) And (X)HTML Documents With Style Sheets (jigsaw.w3.org)
- W3C Link Checker (validator.w3.org)
- Clean Up Your Web Pages With HTML TIDY (w3.org)
4. Web Browser Compatibility And Support
5. Web Hosts
- Web Hosting Talk (webhostingtalk.com) (A forum.) (iNET Interactive.)
- WebHostingReviews.com
- WebHostingBuddy.com
- Web Hosting Professor (webhostingprof.com)
- WhoIsHostingThis.com (Includes reviews.)
6. Search Engines And Search Engine Optimization
7. Web Servers
8. Databases
- MariaDB (mariadb.org) (Developed by the MariaDB Foundation.)
- MySQL (mysql.com) (Developed by Oracle.)
- PostgreSQL (postgresql.org)
10. Web Statistics
- The 1000 Most-Visited Sites On The Web (google.com) (Data: Apr11.)
11. Miscellaneous
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 (ietf.org) (Includes status codes and reason phrases.) (Original text file.)
- Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1 (w3.org) (Includes status codes and reason phrases.) (Apparently the same content as the ietf.org text file above, but presented as an HTML file with Table of Contents hyperlinks.)